Invest with YCAH

Make an investment for a worthy cause to supports a local community. The populations we serve have different needs due to their age groups and lifestyles.
This presents a unique opportunity for investors to buy properties that best fit their budget and real estate portfolio.

Here are some of the most important benefits of investing in real estate:
  • Real estate increases its value over time, so does the community.
  • Adding real estate to your investments boosts your diversification, which can protect you in times of economic turmoil.
  • Owning real estate is a way to boost your monthly income as you can rent out your space to tenants.
  • Investing in real estate comes with tax benefits. You can deduct several expenses associated with owning an investment property.

Many low-income household are working in essential service roles
to keep our communities running smoothly.

Your involvement will help families, elderly people, individuals,
maintain or improve their quality of life.

With YCAH all applicants will be thoroughly vetted to ensure the investment is safe.

happy young woman on a sofa


Whether they’re just starting out or adult life has taken uncertain twists and turns, people who live alone should be able to afford a safe home on one income. Unfortunately, this type of housing typically exists far from vital amenities such as grocery stores, hospitals, and public transit. We are seeking investments for building units near downtown businesses or bus routes.

These homes could be studio-style or 1 bedroom and are about 600 sq. ft.

Estimated investment: Capital Base On Deal Analyzed.

happy young woman on a sofa
family of four with kids Dreaming Of New Home


Families come in all shapes in sizes—whether they have one parent or two, perhaps one child or more. Children deserve the opportunity to grow up in a stable home where housing insecurity isn’t a family stressor.

We are seeking investments for family homes or building units near public schools and parks.
These homes typically have 2-3 bedrooms and are about 900-1,000 sq. ft.

Estimated investment: Capital Base On Deal Analyzed

family of four with kids Dreaming Of New Home
an old couple in the kitchen, cooking


Those who are over the age of 65 and either still work or are on a fixed income deserve comfortable, accessible homes made for their stage in life.

We are seeking investments for one-story homes or building units with reliable elevators.
These homes typically have 1-2 bedrooms and are about 800 sq. ft.

Estimated investment: Capital Base On Deal Analyzed.

an old couple in the kitchen, cooking

Ready to learn more about this tax-advantaged investment? Start a conversation with YCAH