YCAH is dedicated to bringing
more investment in affordable housing
for the rapidly growing West Charlotte community




YCAH exists to alleviate the burden of the housing crisis in West Charlotte, NC.

By partnering with investors, we can provide affordable housing for individuals, families, and seniors who cannot access safe living conditions.


Our vision is to provide several styles of affordable housing to reach vulnerable, low-income residents in need of quality, modern living conditions.

In doing so, it will promote a healthier, happier community that isn’t mired in uncertain rental costs.

We hope to scale YCAH into an organization that performs community outreach, works with local government officials, and encourages skilled volunteers to rehabilitate homes for those we serve.


a yellow pencil designs houses
models of houses of different size
people working on a wall to realize a project
family of four with kids Dreaming Of New Home

helping families build their house

family of four with kids Dreaming Of New Home
a yellow pencil designs houses

drawing a future for anyone

a yellow pencil designs houses
an old couple in the kitchen, cooking

taking care of elderly people

an old couple in the kitchen, cooking
Team of friends showing unity with their hands together

protecting the community

Team of friends showing unity with their hands together

Ready to learn more about this tax-advantaged investment?